Monday, 5 December 2011

Amazon Lily plant

Amazon Lily

Originating in Columbia, the amazon lily thrives in warm temperatures and is noted for the white brilliant blooms.
Amazon Lily - Eucharis grandiflora, belong to the genus Eucharis. Genus Eucharis contains 15-20 species in the family Amaryllidaceae, native to Central and South America. Amazon lily flower resemble daffodil flowers and are sweetly scented, and borne in groups of four.
The bulbous Amazon lily is a low growing bulb producing star shaped clusters of white flowers held high above the plant. Each cluster contains 3-6 fragrant flowers. Amazon lily flowers are very showy, leaves are large and spectacular. The large showy Amazon Lily white flowers are borne in an umbel of three to ten on an erect scape 40-80 cm long. The flowers are beautiful in having a prominent corona, which is sometimes tinged with green.

flower-Alpine Aster plant

Aster alpinus
This hardy perennial produces an abundance of flowers in shades of violet pink, and white. The Alpine Aster is ideal for rock or alpine gardens and is great for cutting. 3-10" tall.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Flower-Alpinia plant

Alpinia, besides having attractive flowers, is a very beautiful foliage plant, the leaves of which are excellent for cut flower arrangements. It is the National flower of Samoa.
Alpinias are very showy and fragrant flowers, which are botanically an inflorescence forming a gigantic ball of flowers. Alpinia can be found in colors from light pinks to deep reds. Alpinias are originally from Malaya, and found throughout the tropical Pacific region.

Alpinia or Tahitian Ginger has tubular flowers in droopy clusters. Alpinia plant does not produce flowers for the first 3 years, but when they grow, they show huge football sized flowers, blooming all year around.
Varieties of alpinia include Alpinia Purpurata (Red), Alpinia Purpurata (Pink), Alpinia Purpurata “Jungle King” (Red), Alpinia Purpurata “Jungle Queen” (Pink), Alpinia Purpurata “Kimi Ginger”, Alpinia Purpurata “Tomi Pink”, Alpinia Zerumbet, Alpinia Coerulea “Blue Berry Ginger”, “Hanging Pink”, etc.