Wednesday 30 November 2011

African Moon plant

The African Moon plant is often grown in parks and gardens as an ornamental since the bright white daisy flowers form a dazzling mass during the spring.
Dimorphotheca pluvialis, the African Moon are the white daisy flowers, native of Namibia. African Moon flowers are also commonly called as Oxeye daisy, Rain Daisy, Cape Daisy, Witbotterblom. African Moon is cultivated as field crop for oil seed production particularly in Northern Europe.
African Moon flowers are about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. The species Dimorphotheca pluvialis is characterized by hermaphrodite disc florets and female-fertile (male-sterile) ray florets. Both types of florets produce distinctly different types of seeds (achenes). Seeds produced by ray florets are small, angular, while those of the disc florets are flattened and have winged margins. The ray florets have one large white petal, which is often colored purple at the bas

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